Former Editor-in-Chiefs

Special Thanks

Journal of the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies  would like to extend its sincere gratitude to all former Editors-in-Chief for their invaluable contributions to the Journal. Their dedication and leadership have significantly shaped the Journal's success and maintained its commitment to excellence.


Prof.  Othman H. Al-Khader
Psychology Department

Prof. Abdulaziz G. Alghanim
Department of Educational Administration

Prof. Bunyan S. Turki
Department of History

Dr. Abdullah R. Al-Kandari
Department of Geography

Prof. Abdullah A. Al-Muhanna
Department of Arabic Language and Literature

Prof. Badr O. Alomar
Department of Educational Psychology

Prof. Najat A. Al-Mutawa
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Fatima H. Al-Abdul-Razzaq
Department of Geography

Prof. Khaled A. Alshallal
Department of Sociology and Social Service

Prof. Salem M. Altahih
Management and Marketing Department

Prof. Amal Y. Al-Athbi Al-Sabah

Department of Geography

Prof. Maymouna Kh. Al-Athbi Al-Sabah
Department of History

Prof. Badr J. Al-Yaqoub

Department of Sociology and Social Service

Prof. Badriya Al-Awadi

Law Department

Prof. Abdullah Y. Al-Ghunaim

Department of Geography

Prof. Muhammad Gh. Al-Rumaihi

Department of Sociology and Social Service