Advisory Board

Prof.  Mohamed Alkhuzamy Aziz: is a professor of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at Fayoum University since 2011. He previously served as the dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences and the head of the Geography Department at Al-Jalalah University from 2020 to 2022. He has worked at four European and Arab universities and has been a visiting professor at nine European, American, and Canadian universities. He also serves as a member of the scientific committee for promotions in Geography at Al-Azhar University since 2016, and a member of the National Committee for Establishing Private Universities since 2018. Additionally, he holds a position as a member of the Research Council for Social and Population Studies at the Ministry of Scientific Research, and he has been a fellow at the Academy of Scientific Research since December 2015. Prof. Mohamed Alkhuzamy Aziz has received several awards and honors in the field of scientific publication and research. He has numerous scientific achievements in the field of Geographic Information Systems. He has conducted several scientific researches and authored publications in this field, in addition to supervising and examining several scientific theses. He has also established specialized laboratories in several universities and organized numerous international, regional, and local conferences in the field of Geographic Information Systems. He has provided various consulting and training services in this field to government entities and has conducted several regional and local courses. He has also served as a reviewer for research papers in several scientific journals and conferences. Additionally, he has delivered lectures as a visiting professor at several universities in Austria, Germany, the United States, and Canada.