Publication Policies

  1. Manuscripts must be submitted exclusively through the journal's website. Submission via paper format or digital format through email is not permitted. 
  2. Upon submission of the manuscript, authors will be required to complete the Declaration Form as part of the submission process.
  3. The journal uses “iThenticate” software to check for instances of similar text in submitted manuscripts.

Refereeing Process

  1. All published manuscripts and studies undergo rigorous review by qualified experts with extensive manuscript experience records and distinguished academic ranking.
  2. The journal maintains a regularly updated list of approved reviewers for each subject area and discipline based on previous experience.
  3. Reviewers will provide evaluations on the manuscript by submitting a written report with reviewer form using predefined determinants, such as:
  • The manuscript's originality and its scientific contribution to the field of specialization.
  • The suggested methodology and approach.
  • A sufficient list of sources, references, and notes.
  • The quality of the manuscript in terms of structure, language, and conclusions.
    A summary of the manuscript's quality for publication is required at the review's conclusion.
  1. Each manuscript undergoes review by at least two reviewers. If either rejects the paper, the editor-in-chief may request a third reviewer. Rejection implies non-publication, communicated to the author.
  2. For authors from Kuwait, reviewers must be from outside Kuwait, with the editor in-chief's discretion to consider exceptions requiring local review.

AJAS Rights

  1. The editorial board reserves the right to conduct the initial examination of the manuscript and report its adequacy for review. The reviewer’s opinion must be binding on the editorial board and editor-in-chief.   
  2. The editor-in-chief will provide the author of the rejected manuscript with the reviewers’ assessment or a summary thereof - upon request - maintaining the reviewers’ anonymity, and will not be obligated to respond to the author’s objections. 
  3. The manuscript will be considered withdrawn if the author is late (more than 3 months from the date of receiving the AJAS assessment) in incorporating the necessary amendments into the manuscript unless there are valid reasons acceptable by the editorial board. 
  4. Manuscripts will not be published in any other academic journal once the decision is made to publish the same in one of the Academic Publication Council journals. 
  5. The author is not allowed to submit his manuscript to the journal after it has been published in print or electronically in a scientific journal, conference proceedings, seminars, or with any other entity. In case of a breach of this commitment, the publication of any manuscript by the author in the publications of the Academic Publication Council is prohibited for a period of two years. 
  6. The author whose manuscript has been rejected due to reviewers' opinions is not entitled to re-submit the same manuscript, even if they have made all the required amendments. 
  7. AJAS will have the right to republish papers – paper or electronic form - that have previously been published without the author’s consent. AJAS will have the right to permit others to save its manuscripts on various databases whether or not in return for a fee. 

Author’s Rights

  1. The editor-in-chief will inform the author of the eligibility of the paper for publication within two weeks of receiving the reviewers’ assessments.
  2. The author is allowed to republish an article previously published in the journal as a part of a book, provided that at least three years have passed since the journal's publication date. This is subject to obtaining permission from the journal and proper source citation.
  3. The author is allowed to submit the same manuscript he has submitted for publication in one of the journals issued by the Academic Publication Council to a conference, seminar, or other similar event before it is published in the journal, provided it is not published in the conference and seminar proceedings.
  4. The author is allowed to publish an abstract of their accepted manuscript for publication in one of the journals affiliated with the Academic Publication Council, whether in daily or weekly newspapers, on websites, or at conferences and seminars, provided that it is indicated that the manuscript paper has been accepted for publication in the journal.
  5. The author is allowed to submit his manuscript for an award, provided that the awarding organization does not republish it without obtaining written permission from the journal, and it is mentioned in the manuscript that it has been published in the journal, along with the publication details.
  6. The author is allowed to submit his manuscript or study to the journal that was prepared for other entities, as long as it has not been published through the commonly recognized publishing channels.
  7. The author may deposit a version of his/her work in any repository once published in the journal.

Disciplinary Procedures in Case of Breach of Undertaking

  1. If evidence emerges that the author has previously published the paper, whether in written or electronic form before, during, or after submission to the journal, the journal reserves the right to disqualify any future association with the author in both the journal and other journals of the Academic Publication Council for two years. The author's affiliated institution will be duly informed.
  2. In the event of proven scientific plagiarism in a submitted manuscript, the scientific journal, following verification of plagiarism, takes the following actions and measures, irrespective of the author's affiliation with the University of Kuwait or employment status within it:
  • If the Author is from outside Kuwait:

In the event of scientific plagiarism in a manuscript, the following measures will be implemented:

  1. The manuscript, along with its records and archives, will be withdrawn from the Journal, and an announcement will be issued. The plagiarized manuscript will be retained for documentation purposes.
  2. An explanatory notice will be published in a subsequent issue of the journal.
  3. The author is responsible for covering all expenses and fees incurred by the journal due to the publication of the manuscript.
  4. The relevant authority affiliated with the author will be notified of the scientific plagiarism.
  5. . The author will be permanently banned from publishing in scientific journals issued by the Academic Publication Council at the University of Kuwait.
  • If the Author is from the University of Kuwait:
  1. The same procedures and measures as those for authors from outside Kuwait will apply.
  2. Additionally, the Academic Publication Council will escalate the matter to the university's administration, forming an investigation committee to impose sanctions in accordance with the university's regulations based on the investigation's results.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.