Epidemics in the Hijaz during the Ottoman Era 923-1334 AH/ 1517-1926 AD.


  • Sahar Dada Ummul Al Qura University


The Hijaz region witnessed during the Ottoman era many epidemics and disease attacks, especially since the region has the potential to spread, due to the arrival of many pilgrims and visitors from different countries of the Islamic world during the pilgrimage seasons. In addition to poor health services, poor hygiene and frequent natural disasters, contributed to the spreading of epidemics. And the reason for the proliferation of epidemics in the region, made the foreign and colonial countries direct their eyes to the Hejaz in order to interfere in their conditions, so the Ottoman state alerted to this and did a lot to improve the health conditions in the Hejaz region, by establishing health quarries and sending health missions, which made them miss the opportunity to Foreign countries from interfering in the conditions of the Hijaz region.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Sahar Dada, Ummul Al Qura University

Associate Professor, Department of History, Ummul Al Qura University, Saudi Arabia.




Comment citer

Dada, S. (2021). Epidemics in the Hijaz during the Ottoman Era 923-1334 AH/ 1517-1926 AD. Arab Journal for the Humanities, 39, 177–198. Consulté à l’adresse https://journals.ku.edu.kw/ajh/index.php/ajh/article/view/2939