The Palestinian Catastrophe ) An-Nakba( in the Novel, zamn alḳayūl albayḍāʾ [The Time of the White Horses] by ʾIbrāhīm Naṣrallah: Imagination and Historical Awareness


  • Rami Abu Shehab Qatar University


Nakba , Memory, Novel, Palestine , Ibrahim Nasrallah


This study aims to demonstrate the concept of historical narration in the novel, zamn alayūl albayāʾ [The Time of the White Horses] by Ibrahim Nasrallah. The study transcends the conventional perspective towards Nasrallah’s novel that only focuses on verifying events and, instead, promotes a collective spirit buried within an imagined text and that seeks to achieve historical awareness of the event. This results in ensuring the continuity and contemplation of a violent event, the Palestinian Catastrophe, that is engraved in the Palestinian consciousness.

The study examines the dialectical relationship between the historical event and the imaginary narrative using specific frameworks. These frameworks include Hegel’s concept of the spirit of history, as well as György Lukács’ and Paul Ricoeur’s theories, particularly those about historical narrative.


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Author Biography

Rami Abu Shehab, Qatar University

Academic, Qatar University, Qatar.



How to Cite

Abu Shehab, R. (2020). The Palestinian Catastrophe ) An-Nakba( in the Novel, zamn alḳayūl albayḍāʾ [The Time of the White Horses] by ʾIbrāhīm Naṣrallah: Imagination and Historical Awareness. Arab Journal for the Humanities, 38(151), 249–281. Retrieved from



Arabic Language and Literature